
Aminovital injection


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Aminovital Injection is a combination of essential vitamins, amino acids and oligo elements. The deficiency of Vitamins is observed in various types of stock farming and the productivity under intense conditions requires extraordinary allowances.


Aminovital injection

Aminovital Injection is a combination of essential vitamins, amino acids and oligo elements. The deficiency of Vitamins is observed in various types of stock farming and the productivity under intense conditions requires extraordinary allowances. At the time of overcrowding, change in temperature, microbial infections, parasitism, the supplement of vitamins play vital role.

Amino acids, through biological process take part in growth and maintenance cycles i.e. in the defense and reproductive functions. Minerals are recognized as bio-catalysts. Their presence in minor quantities is important for chemical reactions owing to which the multiple organic complexes of the living organisms are elaborated, distributed and balanced.

Prescribe AMINOVITAL100ml Injectionfor the recovery of anorexia and weakness of animals and recovery of animals after the operation.

aminovital injection

It is s injectablesolution to provide Vitamins, Aminoacids, and electrolytes.

Pack Size: 10ml, 50ml, 100ml


Positively, AMI-VICOM is an injectablesolution having the ideal combination of amino acids, Vitamin B.Complex, vitamin C, glucose, and electrolytes.


Injectby IV, IM, and SC with the following dose:

Cattle or Horse: 0.3 to .5 ml /5kg b.w

Sheep or Goat: 1 to 1.5 ml/5kg b.w

Poultry: 1 ml /5kg b.w

Calf: 0.5 to 1 ml /5kg b.w

Dog or Cat:1.5 to .2 ml /5kg b.w


Injectslowly when injectedthrough the vein.

The product should be used under the direction of veterinarians.


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