Eprinex Multi


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Eprinex Multi is an efficient, broad-spectrum antiparasitic treatment for cattle, sheep, and goats, offering long-lasting protection against a variety of parasites. Its zero withdrawal for milk and meat (depending on formulation) makes

Eprinex Multi

Eprinex multi pour-on is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic solution commonly used in livestock to control both external and internal parasites. The active ingredient in Eprinex is eprinomectin, a member of the macrocyclic lactone class of endectocides, which are effective against a wide range of parasites. eprinex multi rcp​

Active Ingredient:

Eprinomectin: A potent endectocide, belonging to the avermectin family of antiparasitics. It works by binding to the glutamate-gated chloride ion channels in nerve and muscle cells of parasites, leading to paralysis and death of the parasites.

Eprinex Multi is used to treat and control a variety of parasitic infestations in livestock, particularly cattle, sheep, and goats. It is highly effective against both internal and external parasites, including:

Posologie et administration :
Eprinex Multi est disponible sous forme de solution à verser, qui s’applique localement le long du dos de l’animal, du garrot à la tête de la queue.
Bovins : La dose recommandée est de 1 mL pour 10 kg de poids corporel. La solution se répand sur la peau et les poils de l’animal, est absorbée par voie transdermique et atteint la circulation sanguine pour cibler les parasites.
Moutons et chèvres : la posologie peut varier en fonction des recommandations de formulation spécifiques, et un vétérinaire doit être consulté pour une posologie précise.
L’administration est simple : il suffit de verser la solution sur le dos de l’animal. Aucune injection n’est nécessaire, ce qui en fait une application moins stressante pour le bétail.

Avantages d’Eprinex Multi :

Zéro retrait de lait : L’un des principaux avantages d’Eprinex Multi est qu’il n’a pas de période d’attente pour le lait des bovins laitiers. Cela signifie que les animaux traités peuvent continuer à être traites sans craindre que des résidus de médicaments ne pénètrent dans le lait.
Pas de retrait de viande : Dans certaines formulations, il n’y a pas non plus de période d’attente pour la viande chez les bovins, ce qui le rend très pratique pour les agriculteurs. eprinex multi à verser
Efficacité à large spectre : offre une protection contre un large éventail de parasites, tant internes qu’externes, réduisant ainsi le besoin de traitements multiples.
Application facile : En tant que solution à verser, elle est facile à appliquer, réduisant ainsi le stress et le travail associés aux traitements injectables.
Effets à long terme : Eprinex offre une protection à long terme contre les parasites, contribuant ainsi à améliorer la santé et la productivité des animaux.

Gastrointestinal roundworms
Cattle grubs (warbles)
Mange mites
Horn flies
Sarcoptic mange
Psoroptic mange in cattle
The product is mainly used in cattle farming for protecting animals from parasite burdens that can impact growth, milk production, and general health. eprinex multi pour-on

Mechanism of Action:

Eprinomectin works by disrupting the nervous system of the parasites, causing them to become paralyzed and die. This action occurs through the increase of chloride ion permeability across cell membranes, making it difficult for the parasites to maintain muscle and nerve function. eprinex multi rcp​

Dosage and Administration:
Eprinex Multi is available as a pour-on solution, which is applied topically along the animal’s back, from the withers to the tailhead.
Cattle: The recommended dose is 1 mL per 10 kg of body weight. The solution spreads over the animal’s skin and hair, absorbed transdermally, reaching the bloodstream to target parasites.
Sheep and Goats: Dosage may vary based on specific formulation recommendations, and a veterinarian should be consulted for precise dosing.
Administration is simple: Just pour the solution along the back of the animal. There is no need for injections, which makes it a less stressful application for livestock.

Benefits of Eprinex Multi:

Zero Milk Withdrawal: One of the major benefits of Eprinex Multi is that it has no withdrawal period for milk in dairy cattle. This means treated animals can continue to be milked without concerns about drug residues entering the milk.
No Meat Withdrawal: In certain formulations, there is also no meat withdrawal period in cattle, making it highly convenient for farmers. eprinex multi pour-on
Broad-Spectrum Efficacy: Provides protection against a wide range of parasites, both internal and external, reducing the need for multiple treatments.
Easy Application: As a pour-on solution, it’s easy to apply, reducing the stress and labor associated with injectable treatments.
Long-Lasting Effects: Eprinex provides long-term protection against parasites, helping improve animal health and productivity.

Side Effects:
eprinex multi rcp​ is generally well-tolerated when used as directed. However, possible side effects may include:

Skin Reactions: Mild irritation or hair loss at the application site.
Toxicity in Non-Target Species: The active ingredient, eprinomectin, is toxic to certain non-target species like fish and aquatic invertebrates, so care must be taken when disposing of empty containers or unused product.


Species-Specific: Eprinex multi pour-on is designed for use in cattle, sheep, and goats. Its use in other animals, particularly companion animals like dogs, should be avoided unless explicitly stated by a veterinarian.
Avoid Contact with Skin: While handling the product, avoid direct skin contact and wear protective clothing.
Environmental Considerations: As mentioned earlier, eprinomectin is toxic to aquatic life, so care must be taken when handling or disposing of the product to avoid environmental contamination.
Pregnancy and Lactation: Safe for use in pregnant and lactating animals with no need for withdrawal from milk or meat production.

Store Eprinex Multi in a cool, dry place, protected from light. Keep the product tightly closed when not in use and away from children.

Resistance Concerns:
Antiparasitic Resistance: Overuse of antiparasitic treatments can lead to resistance in parasites, meaning that treatments become less effective over time. To mitigate this, it’s recommended to rotate different classes of antiparasitic drugs, and only use treatments when necessary based on veterinary advice.

It is available from veterinary supply stores, online retailers, and through veterinarians. It is typically sold in large volume containers for easy application on herds. eprinex multi rcp​


Eprinex Multi is an efficient, broad-spectrum antiparasitic treatment for cattle, sheep, and goats, offering long-lasting protection against a variety of parasites. Its zero withdrawal for milk and meat (depending on formulation) makes it a highly convenient choice for dairy and meat production. Always ensure the correct dosage and administration under veterinary guidance to maximize efficacy and minimize resistance concerns.


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